Part 1:
Explain welfare capitalism and decide whether you think it was a good or bad thing for workers?
Is welfare capitalism or some of its characteristics still present in today’s workplaces?

Part 2: 1. According to Samuel Gompers, what do workers want?
2. In the debate between Samuel Gompers and Morris Hillquit, who won? (See the new reading under Assigned Readings and please be prepared to explain your answer.)

Part 3:
What was the purpose of the Wagner Act? What was it attempting to do? Also, why were corporations so sure that the Supreme Court would declare the Wagner Act unconstitutional? What were they thinking?
What caused the split inside the AFL and led John L. Lewis and a group of like-minded unions to establish the CIO?

Part 4:
What motivated women to join the workforce—patriotism, government propaganda, feminism, or pure and simple opportunity (i.e., the chance to work in a high paying job)?
Contrast and compare the experiences of the women in the documentary to that of Marie Baker and Evelyn Gotzion. Did the war change their outlook about their roles in the workforce? Did it raise their expectations and if so how?

Requirements: Each part has to be 300 words (that’s both questions included)