Catalytic mechanisms of enzymes

Important: Make sure this is 300 or less words.Find 2 more research articles about this classmate discussion post and elaborate more on catalytic mechanisms of enzymes and their functions for an organism.( find new articles and do not copy anything from this post)

Discussion post:
During this week’s lecture and reading, I become very intrigued by the catalytic mechanisms of enzymes and their functions for an organism. In my own research, I found one type of enzyme that has a very interesting and significant catalytic function in DNA transcription. This enzyme is known as Topoisomerase 3β. Topoisomerase 3β (Top3β) is the only topoisomerase that has RNA topoisomerase activity, binds mRNA translation components and interacts with an RNA-binding protein. It has been shown that Top3β gene deletion has been linked to schizophrenia. Through a new study done, it was shown that Top3β is a major component for mRNA activity, and requires both RNA binding and catalytic activity to prevent mental dysfunction (Ahmad et al, 2017). This is a very interesting finding, and can prove to be useful in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders such autism and schizophrenia.

References: Ahmad M, Shen W, Li W, Xue Y, Zou S, Xu D, Wang W. Topoisomerase 3β is the major topoisomerase for mRNAs and linked to neurodevelopment and mental dysfunction. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Mar 17;45(5):2704-2713. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw1293. PMID: 28039324; PMCID: PMC5389537.