MGNT  310 Research and Analysis #1   CONFLICT

Select a company of your choice and conduct research on how it manages conflict or research a company’s handling of a specific conflict.  Examples of conflicts: union problems, internal dissension among the rank and file, conflict among board members, problems with CEO/President, conflicting values in corporate culture, any types of interpersonal conflict such as specific employee complaints (examples: harassment or bullying, etc.) Include the sources of your research (titles, authors, name of publications or website).

If you have an example from your own experience and are willing to share it, you can substitute in your own example. Include adequate, specific details from your observations of the experience to support your analysis.

Evaluate the conflict by applying the concepts discussed in Chapter 10 and write an analysis which includes:

1) Summary review (16 points)

  • A description and identification of the type of conflict or conflicts (Refer to the types of conflicts discussed in class and identify which types are relevant to your example. Be as specific as possible)
  • Cause or source of the conflict (usually people, but can also be company structure, procedures, ethical standards, etc.) Be as specific as you can in your discussion of the causes or source of the conflict.
  • Ways of managing the conflict (How does a company or how did they handle the conflict? Refer to Fig. 10.1)
  • Outcome, results, impact of the way the conflict was managed or is managed by the company

2) Evaluation of the effectiveness of the conflict management and recommendations on ways to improve or enhance conflict management (12 points)

3) Takeaways on conflict (what are the essential lessons you learned about conflict management from your research). You will share these takeaways in group work in the class. (12 points)

Grading criteria: total possible points 40

(Total assignment minimum length: 2 pages)