Narrative II

Having read the first 40 chapters of Pride and Prejudice, as well Adam’s Diary and Eve’s Diary, its safe to say that you have had plenty of exposure to satire. So here is your assignment: you will write a satirical narrative. You get to create the characters, choose the settings and time period. You are even allowed to use the world and characters from Pride and Prejudice if you wish. However, your piece must follow the three rules that every satire must follow:

1) It must be funny (appropriately funny)

2) It must be providing a critiscism of something or someone within our society, or perhaps of a specific human behavior.

3) It must provide a moral voice. There must be something within your story that essentially tells us what things should be like as opposed to what they are.

Example from Pride and Prejudice:

1) Funny – the way Mrs. Bennet runs around like a crazy person trying to marry off her daughters

2) Criticism – Marriage is nothing more than a business transaction, as seen in the proposal of Mr. Collins to Elizabeth.

3) Moral Voice – Elizabeth’s belief in what marriage should be: about two people actually falling in love with one another.