How useful are economic development indicators? A critical reflection.

Things to focus on in your assignment:
 Explain and critically assess the respective theoretical frameworks.
 Make use of data to demonstrate your findings. Which data is mostly relevant and confirms your analysis/thoughts?
 Ensure that you use peer reviewed literature and readings/concepts covered in class.

Your literature review must include seminal works and recent publications in the chosen topic area.The assignment should not exceed 1500 words, must contain a title page, a list of contents and a bibliography. The reference style is Harvard. A guide to Harvard referencing style can be found on the course homepage. The word count has to be given on the front page of the paper. The bibliography is essential and by definition a list of all the works used as sources for the project. Please follow the reference guidance provided and write your paper in 1.5spacing. A written project assessment form can be found on the course home pag