Listening Essay Assignment

After taking the provided listening styles questionnaire (hard copy given in class; attached below), reflect on and answer the questions below in a brief essay. Be as honest, specific, and concrete as you can with your answers, examples, etc.

Questions to Answer:
1. What score did you receive from the listening style questionnaire (based on how many questions were answered as NO)?

a. Were you surprised this result? Why or why not?

2. Were you surprised by the way you responded to any (or all) of the items in the questionnaire? Why or why not?

a. Which of your responses to questionnaire items surprised you, if any?

3. What are your personal thoughts/opinions on this particular questionnaire in regard to wording, diversity, inclusivity, understandability, etc.?

4. How might you take this information about your listening style and the concepts learned about so far this semester to improve your listening skills?

1. Use MLA or APA formatting (headings, page numbers, etc.)

2. Formal sources/citations not needed or expected

3. Typed paper, in appropriate 12pt. font, double spaced

4. Exhibit proper use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.

5. Have a length of 12 pages/23 strong paragraphs

6. Total point value is 15 points

7. Submit essay as a Word document to the appropriate assignment submission in Blackboard by due date listed in the Course Schedule