Discussion Assignment Instructions

 Read chapters 1,2, and 3 of Kingdom through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants (Second Edition) by Gentry, Peter J., Wellum, Stephen J.

  • watch:  getting started



  • watch: biblical studies overview



  • watch: theology overview



  • watch: apologetics overview



  • watch: homiletics overview



 Discussion: What is the Gospel?

For this discussion, you will create a post using the following 3 prompts. You must use bold headings for each section of the post. Your post should 300 words addressing the prompts below. Discussions are collaborative learning experiences and must demonstrate course-related knowledge. Write from an evangelical conservative perspective.

Within your thread, cite any sources you utilize to support your thoughts by footnoting this following current Turabian guidelines.


  1. The Gospel: Read 2 Timothy 1:9–11. What is this “gospel” Paul consistently preaches throughout his epistles, and how is it received?
  2. Personal Walk: Read 1 Timothy 4:7–8, 16. How do you plan to maintain your personal walk with God throughout this course? In other words, how do you plan to “discipline” yourself for godliness as you seek to be a Christian leader?
  3. Prayer Request: How can your fellow students pray for you as you begin this course?


Then post a thread of 300 words addressing the aforementioned prompts. Discussions are collaborative learning experiences and must demonstrate course-related knowledge.

Within your thread, cite any sources you utilize to support your thoughts by footnoting this following current Turabian guidelines.