HCAD 650 WK 6 Health Information Technology

Group 1/Medical Records in Health Care

Part 1: Critical Analysis of the Law

Evaluate medical record requirements under the law. What should be included in the medical records to meet state and federal law requirements? Name and describe the law and give the code sections.
Evaluate state, federal, and statute of limitations medical record retention requirements. Recommend components of a medical record retention policy for your Maryland organization, including the following.
Length of medical record retention
Indication of how and where medical records will be retained
How and when will medical records be released
How would a medical record release be different for a European patient treated at your facility in Maryland and returned home after treatment? Are the patient and records subject to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations)?

Describe a HIPAA right to accounting disclosures. How would you comply with this HIPAA requirement for your organization?
How is the electronic medical record compliance tool for health information technology (HIT)? What are ways you can use HIT for compliance? How could a robust HIT system and vital Chief Information Officer (CIO) prevent the situation described in The Tracks We Leave: Chapter 9 Information Technology Setback: Heartland Health care System? Evaluate how the AHIMA Code of Ethics and guidelines apply to this situation. Be specific and demonstrate an understanding of the risks and how the compliance tool can be used specifically to control the risks.

Part 2: Strategic Compliance with the Law

You work for a large managed care organization (MCO) that includes five hospitals, 25 provider clinics, one health insurance company, and ten pharmacies. The MCO uses electronic health records (EHR). Your organization is not using the 2015 CEHRT. Your organization participates in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) under the Quality Payment Program (QPP).

Evaluate 2015 CEHRT.
Explain why it would be essential to have 2015 CEHRT and the consequences of not putting this in place.
Describe the steps you would place to put 2015 CEHRT in place that includes interoperability components under the Quality Payment Program (QPP) Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS).
The Quality Payment Program (QPP) Merit-based Incentive Payment Systems (MIPS) also require quality activities.
Name and evaluate one electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM) you must capture to meet QPP quality requirements.
How would you capture and report this data?