Project 1: Create a formal resume that you can use when applying for positions upon completion of the degree program. This resume should reflect your educational and job experiences (estimate your graduation date), hobbies, and personal interests, awards, publications, association affiliations, and interests. Choose (or create) a format that you believe will be viewed as professional, and indicates some of your personality. In the content section, you will find a number of resources you can access that lead you to information regarding resume types and formats, and many of the do’s and don’t’s of resume writing. As one of the learning tasks for this project is for you to hone and showcase your skills at creating a word document of your own design, do not use any of the preformatted resumes provided in Word.

Project 2: Create a letter of introduction, or cover letter, to accompany the resume. This letter will profess an interest in a specific job for which you are interested in being considered for. Use a position to which you feel you may be qualified for and aspire to upon completion of the degree you are in the process of completing. This letter acts as a formal introduction and reflection of your writing skills and, as such, should be created in a formal letter format utilizing Microsoft Word styles. Make sure you access the resources provided in the Contents section that will provide insight into how to create a cover letter or letter of introduction. As with all of the projects you will create in this section, it is important to realize that each document is a reflection of your experience as a professional and your ability to author a professional communication.requesting a reference

Project 3: Create a letter to a colleague asking that the individual act as a reference. Students should research the Internet for how to develop a short but effective letter. This letter should be created in a formal letter format utilizing Microsoft Word styles and include an address, formal body, and salutation at the end.

Project 4: Create a letter thanking the interviewer for being considered for the job upon completion of the interview. This document should highlight the candidate’s interest in the position, primary areas of fit with the responsibilities of the job, and a request for further consideration as a candidate for the job. Utilize Microsoft Word to create a formal letter with an address or letterhead, formal body, and salutation at the end.

Project 5: Create a short (one to two page) instructional document that highlights your skills with using Microsoft Word. Choose two of the following subjects as your focus for this training document (or pick two of your own choosing):

  • (a) how to insert hyperlinks to videos or web pages,
  • (b) how to create tables,
  • (c) how to insert charts,
  • (d) how to insert photos and clip art, or
  • (e) how to insert both a bulleted and a numbered list.

The document should be designed and created in Microsoft word, be self-explanatory to the reader, and have one example for each of the 2 subjects you choose for your instructional document. The instructor should be able to follow your instructions and complete each of the examples you give in your document.