Operating Systems

1- Analysis of Existing System ( ch 11 )

– Analyze the key problems of the existing system used by the company .

– Also, discuss the Information Systems used within the company for example:

  • Transaction processing systems (TPS)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
  • Functional Area Information Systems
  • Business intelligence
  • DSS (Decision support systems)

(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and it’s related to your selected organization)

Notes: (For each point two systems are mentioned)

An explanation of the system, not just an example.

An example of the system used by Amazon Such as (Logistics system) for tracking and inventory management.

2- System Evaluation .

– Evaluate the current system that the company use (your chosen company) with one of the following options :

  • Success
  • Partial failure/partial success
  • Total failure

(Then, State the reasons for your choice )

3- Suggestions for the company

Design or choose a system to help the company solve its main problems. State the following:

  • The new system name
  • Its features
  • Problems that will be solved

(If the system that the company uses is successful and does not need to be changed, you can mention that , mention its features , and mention the problems that it solved or prevented from happening.

(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and it’s related to your selected organization)

4- Conclusion .

Summarize your report

5- References .

Use APA referencing style format

(should be between 1500 to 2000 words)