Community Mapping Project Powerpoint

Working in groups, you will design a presentation for the class detailing the school division assigned to the group.

Part 1

  • Geography –where is the district located?
  • County/City Demographics (use census data)
  • School District Demographics (available from the district website or VDOE link) – includes size of district, number of schools, diversity

Part 2

  • Places and spaces that students, teachers, and other members of the community may gather and interact (live, learn, work, play, do business, engage in faith-based activity and otherwise engage in the community)

Part 3

  • Academic, social-emotional, special needs resources available to support students provided by the school district and community. Do not include the mandated school district support.

Part 4

  • School –Community Integration –Profile how specific community resource(s) will be integrated into your teaching area.