Lives Well Lived

It is important that you review the readings and videos about theories prior to completing this activity. You need to have a clear understanding of the theories before attempting to apply them to the examples presented in this activity.

After you watch the video “Lives Well Lived”, complete the following worksheet. Tips for success:

  • Pretend your instructor knows nothing about the theories so you need to thoroughly define, explain, and describe the theories to make sure they understand.
  • Describe the example with enough specific detail that the connection to the theory is clear.
  1. Define life review and/or reminiscence processes. This concept comes from the 8th stage of Erikson’s psychosocial theory. Then provide one example from the film. (1 pt)
  2. Explain what Erikson’s 8th stage of development is (ego integrity vs. despair). Then provide 2 examples from the film of someone demonstrating they are in this stage. For each example, include your thoughts on what the person’s resolution to this stage might be (i.e., is it integrity OR despair) and explain why you think this is their resolution. Provide specific support from the film that illustrates the chosen resolution. (4 pts)
  3. Define the concept of Historical Context (which is a part of both the Life Course Theory and the Age Stratification Theory). Provide 2 examples of historical context from the film and explain how it has (or might) influence the person’s aging experience. (2 pts)
  4. Define age norm. Then, provide an example from the film of an elder either confirming or defying an age norm. Be sure you explain what the specific age norm is and if the elder in the film is confirms or defies it. (1 pt)
  5. Choose another theory from the course (e.g., life course theory, activity theory, gerotranscendence, bio/psycho/social theory, etc.). Define that theory. Then, provide an example of that theory from the film. Be sure to specify how/why the example you provide illustrates that theory. (2 pts)