“Miss Landmine” Beauty Campaign.

Review and analysis of the “Miss Landmine” Beauty Campaign.

Question 1. Explain why the campaign may be considered exploitative. Identify and describe at least two examples of evidence from the film to support your argument. For example, evidence might include a quote, a specific scene, a key theme or message, or a summary of events. Be as specific as possible in your description.

The examples you provide must be different for each question. Your response should be between 100 and 150 words.

Question 2. Explain why the campaign may be considered empowering. Identify and describe at least two examples of evidence from the film to support your argument. For example, evidence might include a quote, a specific scene, a key theme or message, or a summary of events. Be as specific as possible in your description.

The examples you provide must be different for each question. Your response should be between 100 and 150 words.