This paper was written by writer #39135 who did a very good job, however there is update that is needed on the document from my professor to fine tune it. Hence I would prefer to have this update done by same writer.

The requested update are as follows:

– chapter 4.8 Conclusion is about research methods, but there should be own chapter in chapter 2 about research methods

– there should be descriptions about ethical review and data protection & management (Familiarise yourself with data protection and the processing of personal data. In the thesis, data protection concerns the student preparing the thesis, the commissioner, potential research subjects and the written thesis complete with its research data.

Identify if your data contains personal data. Personal data means any information on a natural person and on their personal characteristics or personal circumstances, where these are identifiable as concerning them or the members of their family or household.
All types of data that can be used to directly identify a natural person, but also data that can be used to identify a person indirectly (e.g. photos and voice recordings).
If you process personal data, you must have a privacy statement. Remove any personal identifiers, i.e. anonymise the material as soon as it can be reasonably analysed without identifiers. See the data protection page in the intranet for more detailed instructions.)