Nursing theory

Develop Theory Seminars

So, individual seminars should provide an overview of 3 or 4 different theorists. Likewise, compare and differences in how each theory would guide strategies to address a specific health issue. Groups will develop Theory Seminar narrated PowerPoint presentations comparing and contrasting the identified advanced practice theories.

100 Points
This presentation is designed to demonstrate your ability to critically think in comparing and applying different theories to your type of advanced practice area (Nurse Practitioner). Group assignments and two or more theories are assigned. The Butts and Rich textbook will serve as the primary resource for this assignment, but other electronic resources are available by completing a google search on the theory or model. The length of the presentation is 15 minutes and one slide for references. A minimum of five peer reviewed articles published within the last 5 years are to be used to support the discussion in your presentation. Type your references on a separate slide. The narrated presentation will be provided online.

Introduction 5 points
1 slide • Briefly identify the theories you will be using in your presentation Comparison of Theories 20 Points
1 Slide • Briefly describe the origin of each theory
2 Slides • Identify similar and different elements for each theory Application of Theory to Practice 20 points
2 Slides • Discuss the key concepts from each theory as they apply to your advanced practice role.
1 Slide • Describe a client situation where elements from each of the different theories may be applied
2 Slides • Discuss how each theory can be used to design nursing interventions
1 Slide • Identify the components of each theory that need more research before it can be applied to your type of clinical practice
1 Slide • Apply at least two different theories to the development of evidence-based practice protocols Model Diagram 15 Points
1 Slide • Draw a diagram of the theories using only the concepts that apply to your clinical practice.
• Show how the concepts relate to each other by drawing lines, arrows or bold type
1 Slide • Discuss those areas that need future refinement or research to be used in nursing practice Synthesis of Theory & Application 15 Points
1 Slide • Give examples of how applying theory to clinical practice has increased your use of current literature and research findings
2 Slides • Give specific examples of how applying theory helped you to evaluate your clinical practice and approach to patient care.
1 Slide Summary 5 Points
1 Slide References 5 Points
Presentation Style, Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, APA, 15 Points
TOTAL 100 Points

Power Point content will be based on the following as related to cardiovascular health in minority communities. racial disparities, biases, socioeconomic status.

Reflect on your readings as well as the theory seminar and identify at least two (2) concepts from the following theory or model groups that provided clarification for you or resonated with you. Briefly discuss how each concept might help guide your advanced practice

1. Theories of Organizational Behavior and Leadership (at least 2 concepts from this group)
2. Theories Focused on Health Equity (at least 2 concepts from this group)
3. Public Health Behaviors (at least 2 concepts from this group)
4. Include what you liked about the presentation and what could be improved