Case study 2 & 3

  • Case 2: Transferring Innovation across National Boundaries (4 pages)
  • Case 3: Making the Problem Worse (4 pages)

Case study instructions

  1. Read the assigned case discussion provided on another attachment (Case 2 and Case 3). Use the questions provided in each case as a guideline for the submission.
  2. Should include an introductory and concluding paragraph, as well as headings.
  3. Include a biblical perspective with scripture included relevant to the topics covered in the Case Study scenario
  4. 4 pages EACH CASE (8 pages total), NOT including the cover, abstract, or reference pages
  5. 5 Scholarly references PER CASE. (10 total). * Have different references pages per case. *DO NOT PUT THEM ALL TOGETHER

Questions (will also be included on each case attachment)

Case 2: Transferring Innovation across National Boundaries/ Use these questions as a guideline for the case study. (4 pages on this case study)

  1. What triggered the new product strategy at Minnesota Biolabs (MB)?
  2. What prediction would you make for the success of getting the country general managers in Europe and Japan to adopt the new product? Explain your prediction.
  3. What changes might MB make in its design in order to better promote the transfer of new products across national borders?

Case 3: Making the Problem Worse / Use these questions as a guideline for the case study. (4 pages on this case study)

  1. What went wrong? How can you explain how the technology actually led to more rather than fewer mistakes?
  2. What theories of change implementation would have helped the administrators at the Springfield General Hospital solve the problem of medication mistakes?
  3. How might you have gone about solving the problem at Springfield General? To what extent, if any, would new technology have been helpful?