Chapter 4 Discussion: Shaping Stories with the Help of Artificial Intelligence

Answer the two questions on p. 120 and respond to at least two other students.

Student 1# Yarajazmin Amaya
I feel that companies using A.I. to analyze our social media content are interesting. I do think that the use of technology is very intriguing, but I also believe that it will not ever be able to pick up our critical emotional responses. Therefore, it cannot be an exact science, and the content cannot be very personalized because it is based on notions and not necessarily fact. But it does pick up on a lot of important information that will be very useful to the individuals tracking said content.
I do not believe that I would feel differently about a movie or novel if I found out an A.I. system had written it. This is because I purely consume films and stories for entertainment. Most movies and books, even if based on a true story or experience, have some embellishments to make them more attractive to the reader.

Student 2# Sahamira Toro
1- In my opinion, I have mixed feelings about rewarding companies using Al to analyze our social media content to get an idea of what we are thinking and feeling. It is a great tool to get to know people’s feelings and what they think about specific topics quicker, but I also think doing it in a factual matter is way better.

2- I would not feel any different if I found out that an Al system wrote a novel or movie that I enjoyed because I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. If it was well written and I liked it, that’s all it matters.

1. How do you feel about companies using Al to analyze your social media content to get an idea of what you’re thinking and feeling?
2. Would you feel differently about an enjoyable novel or movie if you learned it had been written by an Al system? Why or why not?166