Personality Disorder

Why was the study done?
What background info is relevant?
This refers to information that may be theoretical or technical that your reader needs to know to understand the rest of your summary
What are the variables?
What is the hypothesis?
Method: 3 parts

(1) Participants?
Participants: age, sex, ethnicity, SES, any other relevant demographic information?
Where was the study conducted?

(2) Materials?
What manner of equipment was used?
Surveys? Physiological measurements? Brain Imaging?

(3) Procedure?
Briefly describe the procedural aspects of the study.
What statistical analysis was used to determine the results?
Were the results significant? p < .05
Was the hypothesis supported?
Do not use the word “prove.” Since statistical tests are based on probability and can be in error, they do not really prove
Interpretation of the results
Limitations of the study
Is there anything that the researchers could not control for?
Was there anything about the study that could be improved?
Implications of the study
What does this study mean for the everyday behavior?
What has this study contributed to the overall understanding of psychology?
What has this study contributed to the overall understanding of psychology?
Provide an in-text citation of the article