Video Journal (Humanities)

Create a video journal (about 4 -7 minutes long) that highlights 3 living African American artists. Why do you like them and their work? Why is it important?

This video journal (you can use Studio or whichever platform you prefer) should highlight 3 living artists. Have fun with this – while you are exploring their work – think out loud (in the video) – question the position of something in a painting; wonder about what their inspiration is/was. In other words, while this is a serious assignment, it is meant to make art fun and accessible. You don’t have to know a ton of artistic terms – but make sure to comment on your observations.

Video journal of emerging artists.: After you have watched the video of Titus Kaphar and read the Google art spotlight, create a video journal of three artists that are currently living and creating work that you admire. Like before, do not feel limited to painting – art today is multimedia, uses textiles, includes photography and combinations of videos and sounds. I’m sure there are some great artists I have never hear of so I look forward to seeing who you find!

Titus Kaphar – Ted Talk