Assignment: Whiteness and White Privilege

Part 1: According to the book White Fragility: Why it is so hard for white people to talk about racism answer the following questions.

  1. According to Diangelo how does socialization impact and/or shape racial relations between white and non-white people?
  2. According to Diangelo what are some of the mechanisms that perpetuate white supremacy?
  3. Why do most white people not see themselves as having a race?
  4. What white people can do to become allies to non-white people on the fight against racism and white supremacy?

Part 2

Watch the below YouTube video and answer the following questions.

  1. What Tim Wise describes as Trumpism and why he argues that Trumpism was not about economic anxiety but a white supremacist movement?
  2. Tim Wise argues that, “the history of America is the history of rich white men telling not-rich white people that their enemies are black and brown people.” How do you analyze Wise claims in this sentence? Do you agree or disagree with Wise? Explain.