Extra Credit

Answer the following prompt in at least 350 words:

Discuss your reactions to the results of the midterm elections (any of those at any level and in any jurisdiction that are occurring at this time). How accurate were your predictions? If there are any results that surprised you, what do you think might explain them? You may, if you feel comfortable doing so, discuss whether or not you voted and why, as well as (briefly) your emotional reactions to the results. Posts (and any responses thereto) are expected to adhere to the Civility and Respect Policy and refrain from excessive value judgments. For example, you may post something like “I am disappointed that Candidate Y won because I disagree with their policies” or “I am prepared to write to the new Representative Y to express my opinions on how they should vote on bills” but not something like “Candidate Y winning is the worst thing to happen to Jurisdiction Z in a very long time.”