REACH Act Founding Documents

As part of the REACH Act Founding Documents requirement for HIST 111, you will engage with your classroom peers in a running discussion on U.S. History. This discussion is open-ended and will last until the end of Week 4 as a midterm assignment.

Before this discussion, you must read The Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and all Amendments, at least 5 of the Federalist Papers, My Bondage and Freedom by Frederick Douglass, and the Emancipation Proclamation.

In an original thread, you will discuss what you believe is a common theme in these documents. Feel free to use examples from the course materials. Afterward, you will reply at least three times to your classmates’ discussions.

To receive full points for this exercise, you need an initial thread of c. 250 words and 3 peer replies of c. 100 words. Remember to use capital letters and proper punctuation. Full paragraphs and brief citations would also be appreciated.

The book: https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.conten…