Discussion 3


Discussion questions: CHOOSE TWO:

Recall a procedure, technique, or general situation in nursing that made you feel uncomfortable. What about the situation created these feelings for you? How might envisioning and rehearsing be useful to help you feel more confident and capable? (MO 1,2)

Do you think nurses should complete structured classes in some form of art as a way to enhance their nursing ability? Do you think such instruction would make you more artful in your nursing practice? (MO 1,2)

How would you define theory? Do you agree with the definition proposed in the text? Why or why not? What has influenced your view of what theory is? (MO 3)

Think of an abstract concept that is important for nursing—something like hope or hopelessness or vulnerability. What sorts of empirical indicators might be useful to assess or measure the degree to which the “concept” was present in a situation? What would it require to develop reliable and valid measures for the concept? (MO 4)

What theoretical assumptions should be operating in relation to the structuring of nursing theory? In other words, are there assumptions that should never be violated? What would those be? (MO 5)
Submission Instructions:

Post your initial responses by 11:59 PM EST Wednesday of Week Three and comment on the post of one classmate by 11:59 PM EST Sunday. Your response to a classmate should be a different question than the 2 questions you originally responded to. Your posts/responses should be substantive and should be referenced (2 journal references per discussion question). References should be within 10 years. Please post to created DQ threads. No attachments accepted.