Iitian oil painting venus of urbino

Begin by choosing one of the medias from this week’s lecture and/or reading that interests you – one that you’d like to explore further.
Identify an artist that interests you from among the readings we’ve completed, the links provided or an artist that you are already familiar with that interests you.
Find an artwork by that artist which you’d like to reflect on.

NOTE: you cannot write about the same artist or artwork you used for previous Reflective Analyses, you must select a different artist and artwork.

Then, you will provide details based on your research and answer some reflective questions which should include all of the following sections in essay form:

1. Artist (10 points): This portion should be comprised of information about the artist of your choice as well as why you selected them. Begin with: Who is the artist? Why did you choose the artist – what is generally interesting to you about them? Additional suggestions for material: date and place of birth and death, family information, lifetime accomplishments, famous art pieces, effects or impact on society, or historical significance.

* Length: At least 150 words, no more than 250 words.

2. Artwork (15 points): This portion should be your own subjective response to a work of art by the same artist you selected. Why did you choose the artwork – what is generally interesting to you about it? What was your initial, subjective interpretation of the artwork? Did it change as you found out more about the context of the artwork? What emotions, concepts, or ideas did it provoke in you? Do not simply describe the work or state whether or not you ”like” the work; but rather, elaborate with specific details from the work that illustrate your response.

* Include the title of the work (in italics) and a picture of the artwork

* Length: At least 150 words, no more than 250 words.

3. Media (25 points): Which media that we have learned about is utilized to create this artwork? How does the artist’s use of their selected media (material) emphasize and support their content – the meaning of the work? Does it align with your subjective response? What characteristics of the media aid it in aligning with your subjective response? Thinking back to Reflective Analysis 1, are there broader thematic messages conveyed by the artwork based on the specific media utilized? What are they?

* Length: At least 250 words, no more than 350 words.


4. Bibliography (10 points): You must provide a bibliography in one of the formal the correct citation styles that includes at least 3 sources. Online sources are ok, but at least one source must be a book/journal/periodical/ catalog and must be in addition to your textbook, and remember, Wikipedia doesn’t count. You are encouraged to research the artwork at your school’s library by searching through books and articles, written by scholars in the field of art and art history. Check out your campus’s library online and ask a librarian or tutor for help.


*You should begin working on your assignment as soon as it is introduced and saving it as a MS Word document on your computer. Prior to and no later than the noted due date and time in the course schedule you will submit your work as instructed. You are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last day / hours / minutes to submit your work to avoid any last-minute technical issues.

*Be sure to use correct spelling and grammar throughout your essay. This will be reviewed, and deductions taken for errors.

*All written assignments must be in your own words, in their entirety and including your research on your selected artist. Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty and is strictly prohibited. Note, all assignments are run through a digital plagiarism tool, which generates reports of all portions of the assignment that are not in your own words. These reports will be utilized in determining the accuracy of your assignments.