Pyramid of Corporate Responsibility

Read Archie Carroll’s seminal paper on the Pyramid of Corporate Responsibility. After reading and pondering Carroll’s work, you will select one company and research it in light of the CSR Pyramid. You will need to engage in some robust academic research in order to appropriately address this term paper. No assertions should be made without scholarly/credible sources to bolster those assertions. Your paper will consist of the following sections:

A brief introduction to your company (1 page or less)

Provide the basic information regarding your company’s history/founding, organization, mission, values, goals, its core business model, and core product(s)/service(s)

The CSR Pyramid (1-2 pages)

Citing Carroll and other scholarly sources, discuss what the CSR Pyramid is, why/how it is useful, criticisms of the pyramid, and how we can examine companies in the context of the CSR pyramid

Your Company and its Economic Responsibilities (1 page or less)

Provide evidence and discussion that your company is or isn’t living up to its economic responsibilities in the context of the CSR pyramid

Your Company and its Legal Responsibilities (~2 pages)

Provide evidence and discussion that your company is or isn’t living up to its legal responsibilities in the context of the CSR pyramid

Your Company and its Ethical Responsibilities (~3 pages)

Provide evidence and discussion that your company is or isn’t living up to its ethical responsibilities in the context of the CSR pyramid

Your Company and its Philanthropic Responsibilities (~3 pages)

Provide evidence and discussion that your company is or isn’t living up to its philanthropic responsibilities in the context of the CSR pyramid

Verdict (~1 page)

Given all the information you’ve compiled on the company you chose and its ability or inability to satisfy its responsibilities, is your company a good corporate citizen? Why or why not? (this should be an objective assessment based on the information you’ve collected)

Author’s Perspective (~1 page)

Given all the information you’ve compiled on the company you chose and its ability or inability to satisfy its responsibilities, do you personally consider your company to be “good”? Why or why not? (this should be a subjective assessment and can include anecdotal information/personal experience and feelings)