Cloud Database Growth/Usage Over the past 10 years


The PowerPoint Project involves creating a NEW presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint. You must submit the completed PowerPoint presentation file to your Assignments Folder in our CMST 303 LEO Classroom, following the directions included below.

In this assignment, you are asked to convert the contents of the research topic you have selected for Project 4 into a 18-20 slide PowerPoint presentation (see Project 4 assignment for a list of suggested topics). For instance, if your topic for Project 4 is “History of Computers: Microsoft Windows”, then you would condense and summarize the key points of your research on the topic for the PowerPoint Presentation.



1. Number of Slides: Minimum of 18 slides and a maximum of 20. Gradated penalty for too less or too many slides. This means that the more slides you are away from the 18-to-20 range, the more points will be deducted. The slide count does NOT include the title slides and reference slides.
2. Layout and Design: Slides must be easy to read and uncluttered. Keep in mind the 7 x 7 rule with presentation software, which effectively states no more than 7 words per bullet and 7 bullets per slide. This is something to keep in mind to assist in effectively communicating information and not a specific requirement of the project.

3. Font Size: Use a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial. Use 36-point font for the title, a 28-point font for main points, and 24-point font for secondary points.

4. Footer: Include the slide number, and title of your presentation in the footer (except on Title Slide).

5. Clip Art: Add no more than two Clip Art images appropriate for the presentation. You must also include one animated Clip (GIF) in addition to the two Clip Art images. The images must look professional (not cartoonish, pixilated, or poorly designed). Therefore you must have a total of three images in your presentation. No individual slide should contain more than one image.

6. Background/Theme: Appropriate for the presentation. Use creativity here, but your background color or design must not detract from the readability of the slides. A bad example would be using dark text against a dark background. Make sure the background and font colors are a good contrast.