Smart Home Infrastructure


It is encouraged to use the content from tutorials/workshops, and the samples provided in saves/04 IoT/Solution Examples folder of Cisco Packet Tracer.


The aim of this assignment is to model a Smart Home infrastructure. A smart home’s devices are connected with each other and can be accessed through a central control point – a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or a desktop PC. Smart homes can feature either wireless or hardwired systems, or both. In both cases they are internet connected through the default gateway and a networking device such as a router, switch, or a cable modem. The devices included in your simulation are going to be:  router, switch, home gateway, registration server, laptop, desktop PC, smartphone, tablet, webcam, air conditioning, heating element, thermostat, temperature meter, solar panel, battery, smoke detector, CO and CO2 detector, fire sprinkler, temperature sensor, water level monitor, motion sensor, alarm, siren, home speaker, LCD display, light, coffee maker, ceiling fan, 3 windows, lawn sprinkler,  garage door, classic car and the front door. You will also be required to write a report about your simulation. Your report should be no more than 1200 words in length (excluding the table of contents and appendices). The report should include 3 samples from your logbook.



Create a new Packet Tracer simulation. Include all the devices listed above and connect them through home gateway wirelessly and through Fast Ethernet ports or microcontrollers where appropriate. Implement the 7 simulation tasks listed below.

Write a report describing the design and simulation of the Smart Home, make sure to attach 3 samples from your logbook.

When you are ready to submit your solution, upload your Packet Tracer (.pkt) file, to Web together with your report in Microsoft Word and, when you are sure that you have uploaded the correct files, press the submit button.


Simulation tasks

These are the components, devices, and controllers you need to setup:

  1. The components that need Fast Ethernet connections are: router, switch, home gateway, registration server, desktop PC.
  2. The devices you need to connect wirelessly to home gateway are: laptop, smartphone, tablet, webcam, temperature meter, water level monitor, CO/CO2 detector, solar panel, home speaker, light, coffee maker, ceiling fan, 3 windows, lawn sprinkler, garage door and the front door.
  3. You will require microcontrollers (MCU boards) to connect:
  • smoke sensor, temperature sensor, ceiling sprinkler
  • webcam, motion sensor, alarm, siren, LCD

These are the scenarios you need to implement:

  • Control the appliances on/off through the laptop, smartphone, or PC. Login to IoT monitor to turn on/off the appliances. This includes webcam, home speaker, light, coffee maker, ceiling fan, lawn sprinkler, 3 windows, garage door and front door.
  • When the lawn sprinkler is turned on, the Water Level Monitor will measure the amount of water that has been released and send report to the Registration Server. From PC, laptop, or smartphone login to IoT monitor and control the Lawn Sprinkler remotely.
  • The sun charges the solar panel. The solar panel sends electricity to the battery. This electricity is read by the power meter connected between them. The battery then distributes power to each connected device. The registration server is reading power produced from the solar panel, power read from the power meter, and power available on the battery.
  • To activate the alarm – Turn on the Car to increase CO/CO2 Level. To deactivate the alarm – Turn off the Car to decrease CO/CO2 Level.
  • Move the Fire near the Fire Monitor to set off the fire sprinkler system.
  • The Registration Server is configured to turn on the webcam when motion is reported by the Motion Detector.
  • The air conditioning and heating element are connected to the thermostat. The temperature sensor readings set the heating or cooling through the thermostat.