Critical summaries (20%) – Due prior to class on day of readings

Each critical summary is worth 10% x 2 = 20% of the course grade. Summaries will be graded based on criteria set out in syllabus
You may choose which articles or book chapters you would like to summarize, but they must be academic texts (i.e., not reports, blog posts, or other media-marked)
Each article’s summary should be approximately 2 double spaced pages and must be submitted prior to class via Brightspace
Critical summaries provide the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the course readings while staying on schedule; they also help you come to class with ideas, questions, and thoughts to contribute to discussions. Only one summary on one reading per week is permitted.

Stanley, Eric. 2011. “Introduction: Fugitive Flesh: Gender Self-Determination, Queer Abolition, and trans resistance”?” In Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex, Edinburgh: AK Press, pp. 1-11.

Oparah, Julia C. 2012. “Feminism and the (Trans)gender Entrapment of Gender Nonconforming Prisoners.” UCLA Women’s Law Journal 18 (2): 239-272.


1.What are the main goals of the text? How does /do the author(s) aim to achieve these goals?
2.What Are The Specific Arguments advanced by The author(s) in The text and how they are supported?
3. What are the theories/theoretical frameworks and /or concepts that are engaged within thetext?
4.What Is The Specific Conclusion Of The text?