Policing in Natural Disasters

For the forum assignment, review the research articles and links in the lesson and comment on below listed questions and include other response from your research…

• Why is important for policing to prepare for natural disasters?
• How effective have police been in natural disasters?
• What role does police have in pandemic’s (COVID-19)?
• What are the main/featured takeaways on lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina?
• How should the federal/state government spend monies preparing police for natural disaster response?

  • https://www.proficientwriters.com/download/690bd6a9-32c9-4a88-8268-726e4854f192
  • https://www.proficientwriters.com/download/94209c4f-5d48-46f0-96e8-6dc6d785c481
  • https://www.proficientwriters.com/download/7e678b8a-fa97-4b2e-bbca-bd39f755c64b