2 Part Assignment

Business Meeting and Agenda: PART 1-Doodle and Invitation

Imagine that your internship site has asked you to create a manual for future interns to be quickly on-boarded into the department and in the organizational culture. Your first task is to set up a meeting to discuss and fine-tune topics for the manual.
Carefully and professionally follow the instructions below.

This assignment includes 2 elements to submit.
1. Doodle poll (post link)
2. Meeting invitation (Text entry)

1. Doodle Poll: Juggling multiple calendars and schedules can be challenging. A fast and free resource to schedule a meeting with multiple participants is doodle.com. Create and post a doodle poll link in the Canvas assignment for the Program Directors to set a date-time for the meeting. Pick regular business hours to schedule a 90 minute meeting during a selected week in the semester. You will provide at least 4 different date/time options for the week you select. *You will NOT actually hold this meeting, it will just help you create the poll.

2. Meeting Invitation: Meetings are so valuable to effective communication. Your task is to now create a formal/professional meeting invitation and invite Dr. Jocelyn Elders, Mirta Roses Pirago, and Vikram Patel to attend with you. In the body of the Canvas assignment, create a professional invitation using the suggestions found at https://calendly.com/blog/meeting-invitation-email
Links to an external site.

Your email post should include at a minimum:
• Subject line
• Date/time of meeting (you pick the hypothetical date/time)
• Length of meeting
• Where meeting will be held (or zoom link for meeting)
• Body of email: explain the purpose of the meeting
• Request RSVP and provide instructions on how to respond
• Professional signature line
• Tex

Business Meeting and Agenda: PART 2: Meeting Agenda

Now that you have established your meeting date/time and invited your guests, you must now create the meeting agenda for the Internship Manual Meeting. SAMPLE OF EXCELLENCE

A meeting agenda should include at a minimum: 

  • Date, time, location (even if it is zoom)
  • Identified purpose of meeting
  • Times for each discussion point and the person leading the discussion

For the agenda assignment content: 

  1. Think about two (2) things you think should be a part of this manual. Identify the two items as the first two topics for discussion on the agenda. *List the topic title and make sure to include that YOU will be leading this part of the meeting discussion.
  2. Feedback from your initial meeting with Dr. Jocelyn Elders, Mirta Roses Pirago, and Vikram Patel identified potential areas for discussion at this new meeting.  To be respectful of their input, select any three (3) topics from the lists below (unique to what you already have on the agenda) and research an article about them so you are prepared to engage in conversation. Make sure to include: the name as the lead since it is the topic they are interested in and, so we know where you did your research, include a link to the web-source where you found information about the topics you decided to add to the agenda.

Dr. Jocelyn Elders could be the lead for the following topics:

  • How to ask your supervisor for feedback?
  • How and when to ask questions and voice your opinion?
  • How to understand your supervisor’s working style and goals?

Mirta Roses Pirago could be the lead for the following topics:

  • How do you learn the organizations office culture?
  • What are the preferred communication styles and techniques for the organization and your colleagues? (F2F, email, video chats, daily, weekly…?)
  • How to meet deadlines and limit distractions when working from home.
  • Creating a professional environment both in-person and virtually.

Vikram Patel could be the lead for the following topics:

  • Work-life balance and creating boundaries
  • How to request a letter of recommendation
  • What “soft skills” are important in the office


For full points your agenda must include:

  • Date, time, location (even if it is zoom)
  • Identified purpose of meeting
  • Two ideas for the manual you have with discussion times and you as the leader
  • Three ideas for the manual from the provided list, a link to information for each idea, discussion times and identified leader


Resources to get you started: