Activity #1 –Evaluate a toy(400 words.)Many toys on the market promise great things to the consumer. Look for a toy, this can be done online.Evaluate the toy and report what you see and does the toy really deliver what is promised to the consumer.Please email me your reaction paper by answering the following:
●Describe the toy in detail, is it colorful, noisy, pretty, functional?
●Describe what function the toy has for the baby or child. What is being promised to you for the child you buy the toy
.●What is your opinion of the toy, do you feel it is described accurately, does the toy really stand up tothe promise made to you by the marketers by purchasing the item.Activity #2Chapter 1The Changing Roles of Parents(400 words)How do the challenges of today’s parents compare with those of generations past?Are parents more or less involved in the lives of children than they used to be?How have changes in society influenced parenting styles and practices?How does the media influence parenting styles and practices?What can parents do to be more effective in their roles?What kind of parent do you plan to be? Similar to your own parents or different?Activity# 3
●Discussion forum: Name of discussion forum: Ice breaker: give a quote or an expression about childhood that you have heard from others, or one that you might say to other children.