INT 220 Business Brief Template

Course Project

Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.

Section One: Drivers for Global Entry

[Explain the purpose of global expansion, the business and societal impacts of global business, and cultural considerations for global business. Use evidence from the course and outside resources to support your explanations and use complete sentences.]

Section Two: Market Profile

Complete the tables below to use data and statistics to support your comparisons. Use words, phrases, and numbers to complete the tables, not complete sentences.

Cultural Profile

  • Category United States [Insert Country Selection From Course Project]
  • Commonly Spoken Languages [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Commonly Practiced Religions [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Power Distance Index (PDI) [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Individualism Versus Collectivism (IDV) [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Masculinity Versus Femininity (MAS) [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Long-Term Orientation Versus Short-Term Normative Orientation (LTO) [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Indulgence Versus Restraint (IVR) [Insert information.] [Insert information.]

Political and Economic Profile

  • Category United States [Insert Country Selection From Course Project]
  • Political System [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Current Leaders [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Economic Classification [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Economic Blocs Impacting Trade [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Gross Domestic Product [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Purchasing Power Parity [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Gross Domestic Product Per Capita [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Human Development Index [Insert information.] [Insert information.]
  • Human Poverty Index [Insert information.] [Insert information.]

Compare and contrast important political and economic factors for your selected market against those in the domestic market. Factors should include political systems, current leaders, and economic measures or characteristics used in classification.

Section Three: Market Considerations

Complete the table below to support your explanations using current exchange rates.

Exchange Rates

Category The U.S. Dollar [Insert Country Selection From Course Project’s Currency

Exchange Rate [Insert information.] [Insert information.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Compare and contrast important market considerations for your selected market against those in the domestic market. Explain the similarities, differences, and considerations for conducting business between the two markets, such as general legal and regulatory requirements, monetary and management logistics, and mode-of-entry considerations.


[Include any references you cited according to APA format.]