Operating Systems


Use idle or https://www.programiz.com/python-programming/online-compiler/ to create a completely new Python program that uses and integrates the input function, the while loop function, and the if statement all together. You have some flexibility with how you do your project, but it must meet the basic requirements.

Movie Tickets: A movie theater charges different ticket prices depending on a person’s age. If a person is under the age of 3, the ticket is free; if they are between 3 and 12, the ticket is $10; and if they are over age 12, the ticket is $15. Write a loop in which you ask users their age, and then tell them the cost of their movie ticket.

Here are some details and suggestions:

  • Use a while loop to ask for the person’s age over and over again.
  • Use an input function to get the age. Remember to use int(input(… because the age is an integer.
  • Use an if statement to test the entered age and print the price for the person.
  • You will need a way to end the while loop. One option is to have the person enter 99 for the age to quit. There are many ways to handle this, but the word “break” (without quotes) ends a loop. If the age is 99, you could have break in the code for that if option. Rubric

To achieve a satisfactory grade for this project, you must successfully create a Python program that runs and meets all the requirements of the project. Your project also must be substantially different from anyone else’s project.


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