Whether technology hinders or benefits human society

Write a strong, convincing argumentative essay that responds thoroughly to the prompt you have chosen. Be sure to follow the writing process to create a well-thought, clear, and appealing argument.

Lastly, you should determine a prompt and then choose a side and defend it as well as have a well-organized essay, including:
A thorough introduction that encourages the audience to read (hook), contextualizes the subject & position, and states the thesis including a clear position & opposition if including a counterargument

Body paragraphs (minimum of 2 or maximum of 3): clear & specific topic sentence (with only 1 controlling idea that is evident), linking sentences, specific concrete details–substantiate, commentary, concluding sentence to unify, & possibly a counterargument.

IMPORTANT NOTE–To make an A on this essay as well as to fully construct an argumentative essay in order to differentiate from just a persuasive essay, you should include a well-constructed counterargument to show that you are a well-rounded thinker, targeting a larger audience. If you do not include a counterargument, the highest you can make on this essay would be an 89% if everything else is done correctly and thoroughly.

A conclusion that ties everything together and leaves the reading inspired/motivated—restated thesis, linking sentences, and closing statement.