Instructions/Guidelines: Professional Writing Assignment (PWA):

The Professional Writing Assignment (PWA) is designed to foster practice and refinement of written communication skills. The MG-485 PWA is based on YOUR personal experiences and perspectives.

1) Manner of Submission: 2-3 page word document.

APA format

-no run-on – sentences

-no errors

2) Perform a (Personal) SWOT on YOURSELF. Write a Written Summary:

Introduction :

Define SWOT ( it is a marketing tool to match an individual’s strengths and weaknesses to opportunities and threats. Here, the goal is to use one’s capability to maximize situations that present opportunities and avoid threats and reduce weaknesses.

It should address preferably one of the followings:

  • College Admission to graduate studies
  • Job promotion at your workplace
  • Application to a new job
  1. c) state how the assignment will be presented or organized: that is to describe YOUR  Strengths, Weaknesses; Opportunities and Threats.


Discuss each part of the SWOT in separate headings/paragraphs

  • -Opportunities
  • -Threats
  • -Strengths
  • -Weaknesses

In addition to the above paragraphs, include a paragraph to describe how the COVID-19 environment has impacted your life.


