The simplest way to record your presentation is:

Meet with your 1-2 group members in a classroom with a big screen TV – or at home with your own TV – depending on family situation.

Set up a mobile phone on a tripod so you can see the screen and the presenter.

Connect your laptop to the TV, to show your PowerPoint slides.

Practice recording the whole speech a few times.

Keep under 10 minutes to avoid issues with high file size .

WATCH YOUR OWN VIDEO. Can you see the slides? Can you SEE and hear each speaker??

Upload the best one on the Class Google Drive. Only 1 group member should upload.

That same member also uploads the Outline document and the PowerPoint slides. Each of these is graded.

Your job in this project is to expand on an issue we discuss in the course. There MUST be new content you get from web-based sources you have read.

You can choose one of the suggested topics below, or ask approval for your own idea – if it is related to a communications subject we study. Do not copy directly from a source. Plagiarism is an academic offence, as we know.

You may use the book for ideas, but you may not use the book as a source.

Suggested Topics:

  • What do our clothes say about us?
  • Digitally-mediated Communication and the classroom
  • How can a student improve his memory and test results?
  • How can you tell if a website is a reliable source? What are the signs to look for?
  • How can you tell if a speaker (or presenter) is a reliable source? What should you look for?
  • As a presenter, what can you do to be more effective?
  • How can you make effective Power Point presentations?
  • How can someone learn to be a good leader?
  • How can you get the most as an audience member at a live presentation?
  • How can you have better relationships?

If you have your own idea related to any text chapter – and you want to use it, get approval from your teacher – and GO FOR IT.


The Structure of a Speech

5 quick ways to structure a speech

Tips for Making Effective PowerPoint Presentations

How to make a good presentation with 8 pro tips

How to make a successful presentation: 5 easy steps to perfection

How to Make a Good PowerPoint Presentation (Tips) (5 min 7 secs)