To assess your ability to:
· Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior results related to the Product and Pricing in the USA.
· Integrate established marketing principles into the discussion.
· Write a business report leading to the development of a marketing plan.
For this assignment, you will be part of a team with other classmates to develop a marketing plan for your innovative new product {3D Bioprinter to manufacture human organs instead of waiting for a donor}.
The team contains three members, each member will write one page. You will have an assignment each module that will allow you to develop the part of the marketing plan that integrates the concepts learned that module.
The professor will adjust the grade for individual students based on the proficiency of the writing, clear argument. No fluff, no confusing narrative, just straight to the point.
Action Items
1. Write 3 -page business brief that builds on the marketing plan for your innovative product {3D Bioprinter to produce human organs instead of waiting for a donor
by integrating the marketing concepts learned in this module. Please note, this brief should focus on Module 3: Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior results (Product & Pricing).
While writing your marketing plan, each member should cover the questions related to his part. There are 6 points to cover, each member can cover 2 points. Follow the upcoming note:
In the marketing, you will focus in on the product and pricing “Ps” of the fours Ps of marketing. Below are some of the areas your brief could focus on:
Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value/results (Product & Pricing)
Product or Service (chapter 7)
Features (include support for why you chose these features)
Other: Product Quality, Packaging, Variety
Compare to features and benefits of competitors or close substitutes
Value to consumer (e.g. benefits)
Price (chapter 9)
Pricing Strategy and rationale Price (suggested retail price)
Compare to price of close substitutes and Value to consumer