Infographic Assignment

For this assignment, you are required to create an infographic using the software of your preference (e.g. PowerPoint, InDesign, Photoshop, and Online infographic software, like An Infographic presents information in a graphic, visually attractive format and aims to make data easily understandable at a glance. A well-designed infographic can help you simplify a complicated subject or turn an otherwise boring subject into a captivating experience. We will discuss best practices in class and will provide you with resources.

Why this assignment?
The field of youth, media, and technology, is rich with research which is of interest to many parties, e.g. parents, teachers, policymakers, and youth themselves. However, the original academic sources are hard to understand for a wider audience.

As a youth, media and technology expert it is not only your task to stay on top of the latest developments within the field, but also to be able to communicate this to specific audiences in an accessible way. An infographic (IG) allows you to do just that. Your infographic needs to be complemented with a detailed account of the literature you have used; reflecting on your topic (part 1) and your audience (part 2). Please use the template provided here and review the grading rubric (see below). Your grade will be based both on your arguments as well as your creative effort.

Your infographic must provide a synthesis of at least three academic peer-reviewed articles to highlight the topic of your choice. At least two of these articles should have been published post-2019. Using more articles is appreciated but not required.


Part 1: Topic
First, you need to select a topic for your IG and argue why discussing this topic is timely (why this topic at this time). Also specify the age group that is most important for this topic, using information about their developmental characteristics to substantiate your claim.  In part 1 all your claims should be supported with references; the information you present in part 1 will likely come from one or more of your selected articles.
Length: ca. 500 words

Part 2: Infographic Audience
Second, you need to define the audience for whom you are creating your IG (e.g., teachers, clinicians, youth, app developers) and clearly formulate the question that is addressed in your IG. Describe why the information is especially important for the audience you have selected.
In part 2 you also need to describe the most important take-aways for your reader – thus the audience of your choice.  Your IG should include at least 3 interesting take-aways. These take-aways are of course based on your selected academic articles. Similar to Part 1, you need to make sure it is clear to the reader which references belong to which take-away points.
Length: ca. 500 words

Part 3: Annotated Reference List
Third, include an annotated reference list. This means that you are expected to write an annotation for three of your selected peer-reviewed academic articles. Please note that a peer-reviewed article is NOT a book chapter.

An annotated bibliography is a list of references that includes annotations that summarize, assess, and reflect upon each work. Each annotation includes (1) the full APA reference, (2) the original abstract, and (3) your ca. 100-word impression of the paper. Your impression should at least refer to the sample and method of the paper, and identify what you learned from this paper – and importantly, should not simply be a replication of the article abstract.

Overview of all references
In the last section, you will add the full reference list, which includes the three papers for which you have provided your impression, but also any other article or book chapter you might have used.

The IG and Appendix should be submitted here. Assignments handed in after the deadline will automatically be graded as failed.