Discussion 8 | Personality Sketches

Review this week’s assigned reading and the following resource to prepare for this discussion.

  • Learn How DISC Theory Works (https://www.discusonline.com/en-us/disc/how-disc-works.php)
  • Using the DiSC Model to Improve Communication Effectiveness ( I will copy and paste article)

Refer to the 3 personality sketches you have created for the people in your scenario in your Personality Research Project. ( Personality project uploaded)

Cite a source other than the textbook to:

Using the DISC personality styles model, describe 1 of the 3 personalities needed in your Personal Research Project scenario.
Explain the value that personality would bring to your selected scenario and the possible challenges that might arise as well.

Initial posts should be a 250-­300 words.
All references should be in the last 7 years, references older than seven years may be used to supplement but will not be counted as course required references
Support your initial post by citing scholarly/authoritative research articles other than the textbook.
References should be minimum of 1-2 peer-reviewed scholarly journals.
Reference all work and provide a reference list following APA format.