TikTok-esque summary

Start by watching this John Oliver clip from an episode in 2015. It is a bit dated, but the central point is strong and one that will help to frame the discussion.

Then watch this TikTok-esque summary of what is going on by Rachel Wentisky.


In order to have a meaningful discussion about this we need to get beyond the idea of individual prejudice or individual actors, and instead look at structural advantages and disadvantages. So next read this, it is brief but really explains the issue in a way that makes it so much easier to frame:

  • The Right Hand of Privilege
  • The internet is a very risky place for women and minorities read the following two pieces.
  • The Unsafety Net.
  • Then lets talk about Andrew Tate. Read the following on him:
  • How TikTok bombards young men with misogynistic videos
  • There Will Always be Guys Like Andrew Tate.. Note you can stop reading once you get to the “Doxxing is the ….” section.

Next Answer the following two discussion questions.

1.What encounters have you or your friends had with online discrimination or harassment? Tell us the broad outlines of what happened, and what the outcome was. You can change details and names to protect people as needed, just interested in what personal encounters you or your friends have had.

2. As these articles make clear online harassment and discrimination is significantly worse for women and minorities. Why is this? And what should we do about this?