Memo (UN Peace Operations in Libya)

TO: Example: Principal

FROM: Student Name

SUBJECT: Libya Peace Operations


SUMMARY: This should be no more than 3-4 sentences and single spaced. You can put this in Italics, if you would like.


This should be no more than one paragraph. You can provide this paragraph as a way of linking your memo to your previous paper. Based on your analysis of the conflict, clearly state what is/are the problem/problems.

Write what the current UN peace ops in Libya is doing. Connect it to a problem, for example, it isn’t effective because too many parties are involved.


This section should be the bulk of your paper. It should at the very least address the following points.

This recommendation is something you believe can be done better.

Based on the problem that you have stated in the background, describe what you think needs to be done to address the problem.

Accordingly, describe your specific peace ops recommendation and why you think it will work.

Provide some details regarding your recommendation, so your principal can visualize it

What will be some of the challenges your operation/modification to existing operation might face, and how will either overcome them?

Make sure to indicate sources of funding for your recommendation