Query Database

Step I

Populate your database that you created in module 5 with some representative testing data. Include at least 15 records for each of the tables (use INSERT commands or GUI tools provided by the DBMS you select).

Step II

Think of descriptions for six data querying requirements that could be answered from the data stored in your database, three requirements to change data already in the database, and three requirements to delete data already in the database. Answers to your querying requirements should contain at least two JOINs; two aggregation functions; a GROUP BY clause; and three WHERE or HAVING clauses. See the discussion instructions for examples.

Step III

In a Word document, prepare the following for each DML requirement you came up during Step II:

The description for your requirement
The DML statement (SQL command) that will get you the data you need – do not use a query generator or graphical tool to write this; write it on your own
A screenshot of the resulting query output when executed on your database