Week 13: Final Reflections, Final Exam, and Extra Credit

Dear Class:

We’re almost to the end our semester! How is your semester concluding? Well? Average? Middling to fair? For your last discussion board assignment, please take some time to reflect on the semester. How did it go for you? What worked? What didn’t work so well? If you have time, read through each others’ responses and see what the similarities and differences are amongst you as a group. Please also spend some time thinking through our last course topic: nursing ethics. Although there is no formal assignment on nursing ethics for this final discussion board, it still remains one of the most compelling areas of biomedical ethics. What themes do you see in the discussion of nursing ethics? What ethical challenges do you think nurses are most likely to face?

Last on the discussion board, you will find an optional discussion assignment about nursing ethics. For extra credit points, you may post a real-life case study about an ethical dilemma or ethical issue that pertains exclusively to nursing and/or the role of nurses:

Explain your case study.
Explain the ethical dilemma involved in your case study
Analyze what you think should be done in the your case study using either,
(a) one of the ethical theories we’ve discussed this semester, or
(b) one of the principles of biomedical ethics.

This assignment is worth (+5) bonus points. For additional points, please respond thoughtfully to a classmate’s case study analysis. This may earn you up to (+3) additonal points. Please note that you must post a link or a citation for your case study and you may not post the same case as a classmate.