Program eleven

In this program eleven separate steps are presented, each of which ­contains a complete and separate idea, question, or instruction.

  1. Identify the problem you wish to work on. Describe the problem as you now see it.
  2. Most problem statements can be rephrased so that they describe two things:

The situation as it is now.

The situation as you would like it to be (the ideal).

Restate your problem situation

  1. It is useful to analyze a problem by making lists of the helping and restraining forces affecting a situation. Think about these now and list them. Be sure to list as many as you can
  2. there may be two or three helping forces and two or three restraining forces that are particularly important, underline them
  3. Now, for each restraining force you have underlined, list some possible courses of action you might be able to plan and carry out to reduce the effect of the force or to eliminate it completely.

6.Now do the same with each helping force you underlined. List all the action steps that come to mind that would increase the effect of each helping force.

  1. You now have listed action steps to change the key forces affecting your problem situation. Review these possible action steps, and underline those that seem promising.
  2. List the steps you have underlined. Then for each action step list the materials, people, and other resources available to you for carrying out the action.
  3. add any new steps and resources that will round out the plan, and think about a possible sequence of action
  4. Plan a way of evaluating the effectiveness of your action program as it is implemented. Think about this now, and list the evaluation procedures you will use.

11.Additional questions students will address include:

[1] leadership style used,

[2] your projected effect on the team at the implementation stage,

[3] which external stakeholders might be affected,

[4] if your solution to be implemented may have been different if involving your team, and

[5] if another business has been faced with the problem you are solving, whereas you considered the results it experienced