My Best Customer Experience and Why

Instructions: Follow them carefully

Write two or three paragraphs on your best customer service experience and say what made it so.
Please place the name of the provider in the title, e.g., Best Buy, Nordstrom, American Express.
Include elements of verbal or nonverbal communication found in your textbook readings.

The book I’m using is Gibson, P. (2012). The world of customer service, (3rd ed.). South-Western Cengage.
I don’t have the book but i attached a little piece of where it talks about the nonverbal communication.

For this assignment I am choosing The Container Store because it happens that the other day I bought two clothes closet grey rack and as we were assembling the rack, one part broke. So I went back to the store two days after to return one rack and I was hoping to return the broken one too or at least get something back for it, the cashier so nicely told me that there was no problem and that he was going to proceed with the return of the two racks.
You can add more details to it to follow with the instructions.