Cycle of Contact in Gestalt, the contact boundary and its disturbances.

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What is objective?
We have to describe cycle of contact in Gestalt with examples, concept reviews with academic books and make link to the contact boundaries and disturbances. make link to the concept of PERSONALITY (EGO, ID, SELF). What kind of links they have and how cycle of contacts influences on EGO, ID, SELF

Explain Cycle of contact and its role, why it’s important and why it’s important in therapy itself?

With its real life cases
The Gestalt Cycle, describing the fluid, changing and sometimes interrupted process of the contact boundary that in theory surrounds the self, models a) at the micro level, the transactional nature of our interaction with the environment including others, and b) at the macro level, the arc of longer processes with a beginning and an ending, such as a vacation, a course of therapy, or one’s time at college. Each such transaction or arc represents a whole or gestalt. Our sensory capabilities, not being able to apprehend everything in the environment simultaneously, filter the constant incoming bombardment of sensory information. Out of this fertile void, some part becomes prominent or figural against the rest, the ground. The Gestalt Cycle follows the stages of response of a perceiver to a figural stimulus through mobilizing to interact with it, taking action to approach the stimulus, continuing on to engagement or contact, satisfaction or closure in the interaction, and ultimately disengagement or withdrawal, allowing, from the perspective of the perceiver, the figural stimulus to merge back into the field. Several representations of the Gestalt Cycle have been proposed; an excellent review of them is presented by Mann (2010). The cyclical model of the Gestalt Cycle proposed by Clarkson (1989, Fig. 1 below) includes the recognizable organismic responses to stimulation: sensation, awareness, mobilization, action, contact, satisfaction and withdrawal. Though we may refer to them as stages, each is a mini-process, all in sequence making up one complete Gestalt Cycle. Clarkson’s model is detailed and sequentially structured, organizing and expanding upon the processes discussed by Perls, Hefferline and Goodman (1951) in their definitive volume, Gestalt Therapy.

What is the contact cycle?
fundamental concept in Gestalt, developed by Goodman in his Theory of the Self. He distinguishes four main stages to every action: – fore-contact, contacting, final contact, post-contact (or withdrawal).
Five different kinds of contact boundary disturbances:
Five different kinds of contact boundary disturbances:


What is concept of Personality in Gestalt?

What is ID Gestalt?
-in the Gestalt sense, one of the three ‘functions’ of the self – which also consists of the ego and the personality. The self generally functions in the id mode at the beginning of the cycle, during the so-called pre-contact phase.
What is self in Gestalt therapy?
In Gestalt therapy, self is a verb. It is the experience of contact between the “organism” and its environment in the immediate, passing present. It is the awareness of “me” meeting “not me” in all of the complex possibilities.