Mona Lisa

The chosen painting’s name is The Mona Lisa. Leonardo Da Vinci, a notable craftsman, painted it. Since Francesco del Giocondo’s better half is remembered to have been here, it is sometimes alluded to as La Giocondo. 1503 saw the formation of the Mona Lisa in Florence, Italy. The canvas was executed in oil and was applied on a poplar wood board. Sfumato, an Italian expression for smoke, is the name of the work of art procedure. The most conspicuous work of art in the entire world may be The Mona Lisa. Right now, the image can be tracked down in Paris, France’s Louver Gallery. As indicated by French legacy regulation, the Mona Lisa has a place with people in general and cannot be bought or sold (Woods-Marsden, 2016). It is a little painting. Thirty by 20 7/8 inches are its estimations (Woods-Marsden, 2016).

It is an illustration of the idea of happiness that the Italian term “Giocondo” refers to. The concept of happiness, which Leonardo made the portrait’s central theme, is what gives the work its idealistic nature (Woods-Marsden, 2016). The composition of the landscape is another aspect. The Renaissance’s independence, realism, and secularism are all well-represented in the Mona Lisa. Because it is a portrayal of a woman and has nothing to do with God, the Mona Lisa is an excellent illustration of secularism (Woods-Marsden, 2016).

Are culture and expression related in any way? What role does expression play in influencing societal culture? Which aspects of culture best support viewers’ expressions?

The relationship between creative ability and social articulation is uncertain. Undoubtedly, social circumstances have an impact on the ideal environment for creative expression, the concept of the subject and manner of expression, the functions of diverse expression kinds, and the types of people selected for or involved in inventive movements. Social structures influence inventive articulation in a wide range of ways, from the accessibility of resources to the design of rewards or disciplines. The idea that creativity and invention are intimately related is a Western one, and other countries’ creative successes lack this prerequisite, it also becomes obvious. Although culture has a significant impact on how people express themselves artistically, this relationship is often equal. There will always be individuals in all social classes who, for whatever motives, defy societal norms and cultural practices whatever the outcomes, and who do so by influencing the nature and style of artisanship.

Can my values influence how others express themselves?

You could find that you answer even more heartily to individuals who concur with you and less energetically to people who have various needs. It is simply common to invest a little energy with individuals who share your inclinations and values as you foster fellowships. The connections you grow expertly with those you help are an alternate matter. We both perceive and esteem this common incentive for both us and one another, along these lines it is in an arrangement. Your qualities can be steadfastness to your family, a specific side interest, great well-being, and joy, or helping other people.




Woods-Marsden, J. (2016). 12 Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa: A Portrait without a Commissioner? In Illuminating Leonardo (pp. 169-18