Timeline earth and sciences

Review assignment – Timeline of Earth’s Major Events

  1. Separate out the following events into: 1) life/extinction events and 2) tectonic/climatic events.
  2. Place each set of events in order from oldest to youngest on a timeline.
  3. Include the dates that you are responsible for knowing.
  4. Highlight the eons, eras, periods and epochs you are meant to memorize.
  5. Note which eon, era and period each event is associated with.

Try your best to do this first without looking at your notes or the textbook.

  • Acasta gneiss
  • Amniotes evolve
  • Angiosperms appear
  • Banded Iron Formations appear
  • Basin and Range in the SW US forms
  • Birds evolve from therapods
  • Cascade continental volcanic arc forms
  • Coast Mountains of BC form
  • Colorado Plateau in the SW US starts to form/uplift
  • Columbia Plateau in the NW US forms/Yellowstone Hot Spot lavas erupt
  • Continental crust appears (oldest mineral grain).
  • Continental Glaciers first appear (earliest evidence)
  • Dinosaurs appear/true mammals appear
  • Eukaryotes appear (oldest molecular fossil)
  • Genus homo appears
  • Gymnosperms evolve
  • Himalayas start to form
  • Hominins appear
  • Homo sapiens appear
  • K-T mass extinction event
  • Land plants appear (preserved spores in fossil record)
  • Land vertebrates/earliest amphibians appear (Tiktaalic)
  • Liquid water first appears
  • Mammal-like synapsids appear
  • Placental mammals diversify
  • Metazoan fossils appear
  • Moon forms
  • Ocean crust appears (not oldest preserved)
  • Oceanic crust, oldest preserved
  • Pangea assembles/final formation of the Appalachian Mountains
  • Pangea starts to break up/Mid-Atlantic Ridge first forms
  • Permian mass extinction event/eruption of Siberian Trapp lavas

EAES 1121 NAME: _______________

  • Plate tectonics are active (first direct evidence)
  • Rocky Mountains of BC first form
  • Rodinia forms
  • Rodinia starts to break up
  • Snowball Earth ends
  • Snowball Earth forms
  • Stromatolites appear (oldest preserved prokaryotes)
  • Vertebrates/earliest fish appear