Quantitative Project Presentation

Secondary data analysis hypothesis, analysis, and findings

You will create a PowerPoint slide deck presentation with your quantitative analysis.

  • Think about your overall research topic and consider an indicator related to your topic that is available in the World Values Survey database (https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSOnline.jspLinks to an external site.).  More information on using this database is provided in the lecture for week12.
  • Use the WVS online portal to download this indicator for the U.S. using the most recent wave of the survey, and for the option “Cross by”, choose the variable of greatest interest to you that is relevant to your overall topic (e.g. age, sex, religion, income, sector of employment).
  • Download the data as an excel spreadsheet (or enter it manually into a spreadsheet if that is easier for you).
  • Formulate a hypothesis that can be investigated using these two variables. State the hypothesis in a clear way.
  • Present your frequency distribution and discuss whether or not it supports your hypothesis.
  • Going back to the WVS database, choose 10 countries (including the U.S.) that are at different stages of development, choose 2 indicators related to your topic that you believe are related to each each other, and find the mean value for both indicators for each of the 10 countries.
  • Download the data as an excel spreadsheet.
  • Formulate a hypothesis that can be investigated using these two variables and state the hypothesis in a clear way.
  • Use the spreadsheet to calculate your correlation coefficient and to construct a scatterplot diagram.  What can you say about the correlation coefficient r and the scatterplot in relation to your hypothesis?