Read scheduled material before each assigned class. It is important to note that lecture notes and discussion board topics will not necessarily cover all the information in the assigned reading. This, however, does not reduce your responsibility for making sure that you completely read all assigned reading materials. Students are either encouraged to ask question via email to professor, Blackboard, or during the designated office hours to address any misunderstanding of the information presented in class or assigned reading materials.

Student Course Learning Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

Assess how the U.S. society approach to solving crime has come to rely upon the use of imprisonment

Assess how race and class bias is affecting the crime control model of the criminal justice system

Analyze how the American penal system developed into an imprisonment binge.

Describe privatization in correctional services.

Discuss how prison labor; prison profits; privatization; prison health care, officer conduct; women in prison; and prisoner struggles and rebellions developed the correctional treatment industrial complex.

Assess the effectiveness of 21st century programs and policies that impact the future of the prison industrial complex.